The central value of this family business is represented by the deep respect by which it wants to relate to the land, the people and the environment in which it operates. An environment in which the Marini’s Company evolves for the past 300 years! The original nucleus was born for the olive cultivation and the production of the oil, and still today, on the total area of about 300 hectares, 130 are olive-yards. Then 35 hectares were used for the production of the Calabria’s Clementine, flagship product of the regional agriculture, protected by CTM pgi. (communitary trade-mark). In 2003 Marini enriched the offer again focusing on vitinicoltura quality. 7 hectares of vineyards were planted in clay and hilly terrain at about 500m sea level and it was built a new winery. With this busyness the Company Marini Farms returns to discovering, interpreting it in a modern way, a tradition present in this area since ancient times.
The assortment of variety vines includes the native Aglianico and Magliocco and the international Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, for reds, and Chardonnay and Sauvignon for whites. The system adopted in all the vineyards is the cordon, the density of the vines is 5,200 vines/ha with productions never above 60q/ha. The winery is new, with modern wine-making machineries. In the vineyard and in the winery has adopted the productive method of biological farming. All this choices testify the constant guidance of Marini towards advanced technologies, quality products in the deep respect for the tradition and the environment.
In the winery the company employs more than twenty years of expertise oenologist Gianfranco Cordero. In line with the preference of the company, the used techniques are designed to ensure the lowest impact on the fruit from the harvest, strictly in the box, to the pressing and in all the subsequent stages of the production of the wine.